
Sistemul metalic este un sistem epoxidic decorativ, 100% solid alcatuit din doua componente. Are un finisaj metalic lucios. Sistemul metalic ofera acbeleasi proprietati fizice si chimice ca si celalalte sisteme din gama noastra de produse.

Sistemul metalic indeplineste toate tipurile de cerinte, cum ar fi durabilitatea, performanta precum si estetica. Acest strat decorativ ofera o gama larga de culori metalice si combinatii nenumarate.


The metallic system is a decorative epoxy system, 100% solid made up of two components. It has a shiny metallic finish. The metallic system offers the same physical and chemical properties as the other systems in our product range.

The metallic system meets all types of requirements, such as durability, performance and aesthetics. This decorative layer offers a wide range of metallic colors and countless combinations.


ā€¢ Contine un procent de COV foarte scazut, permitand aplicatii interioare fara mirosuri nocive.

ā€¢ Aspect vizual deosebit

ā€¢ Impermeabil si fara rosturi

ā€¢ Suprafata densa rezistenta la bacteriu si umiditate, si usor de curatat

ā€¢ Proprietati adezive exceptionale, permitand aplicarea pe o mare varietate de substraturi

ā€¢ Se pot aplica mai multe straturi peste sine


ā€¢ Contains a very low VOC percentage, allowing interior applications without harmful odors.

ā€¢ Great visual appearance

ā€¢ Waterproof and seamless

ā€¢ Dense surface resistant to bacteria and moisture, and easy to clean

ā€¢ Exceptional adhesive properties, allowing application on a wide variety of substrates

ā€¢ Multiple layers can be applied to each other

Primer: primer epoxidic, primer epoxidic special 150-250 g/mp

Strat reparatii: crack filler, rasina + agent de adaos, accelerator, rasina epoxidica 100-150 g/mp

Strat fond: rasina epoxidica + pigment monocrom 200-250 g/mp

Strat decorativ: rasina epoxidica + pigment metalic 800-1000 g/mp

Strat protectie: uretan briliant, satin sau mat 80-120 g/mp


Birouri, showroom, magazine si spatii comerciale, sali de clasa, gradinite, spatii rezidentiale, receptii, hoteluri, etc.


Offices, showrooms, shops and comercial spaces, classrooms, kindergardens, residential spaces, receptions, hotels, etc.